Gender and Sci-fi: another Modern Prometheus

the library haunter  ?‏ @SketchesbyBoze tweeted:

“women are ruining sci-fi!!!” first of all, your genre was *invented* by a 17-year-old girl, she made love on her mother’s grave and kept her late husband’s calcified heart on her desk but sure, your wizard-space-fantasy is so badass, 11:05 AM – 30 Aug 2018

This discusses a dreary opinion that has been uttered a number of times over the years, and hopefully we are getting to the point where such opinions can be ignored. But just in case…This response talks about the contributions of Mary Shelly, as included in this article:

For this part of the 200th anniversary of the first version of “Frankenstein” it’s worth noting that history tells an important story about the ways we can talk about this novel. 

And remember that we will be able to celebrate it again in 2031, since that is the edition the one most widely circulated. Some of the more interesting differences between versions has been researched.

If you should find yourself in Bath, in the Pump Room in the outside hallway you will find this plaque:

And needless to add, in 2031 we can also celebrate the James Whale film version that year as well…along with other versions that might have been…
